We nodigen je uit op het tweede 'Plywood professionals' event, gericht naar de houthandel
Heb je de eerste editie gemist, of wil je jouw kennis over multiplexplaten verder verdiepen? Grijp je kans tijdens deze tweede workshop, waar we de technische details van multiplexplaten tot in de diepte bespreken!
Dit evenement biedt een unieke gelegenheid om samen te komen met gelijkgestemde professionals uit de sector en te duiken in de technische details van multiplexplaten.

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our world today,
with carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction synonymous with environmental safeguarding. While the past few decades have seen many attempts to control and reverse the impact of carbon emissions, net zero has now widely been adopted as the global strategy – and the race is on.

EU opens formal investigation into Chinese hardwood plywood dumping; suspected of originating from Russia
The European Commission has launched an anti-dumping investigation into imports of hardwood plywood from China, acting on a complaint by the Greenwood Consortium, which represents the EU's hardwood plywood industry. The consortium, which lodged its complaint on August 27, 2024, argues that Chinese imports are sold at artificially low prices, undercutting European producers and violating fair trade rules. This investigation follows mounting concerns that these imports originate from Russia, whose wood products have been banned in the EU since the Ukraine invasion in 2022.

Welcome to Prowood 2024!
Altripan to attend Prowood 2024 in October, milestone achieved in sustainable materials
Altripan will be attending this year’s Prowood, the leading trade fair for the wood industry. From October 20 to 24, 2024, you can visit us at Flanders Expo in Ghent, where we will showcase our latest products and innovations, and celebrate an important milestone: over 90% of our product range now consists of sustainable materials.

De Europese Unie heeft onlangs een nieuwe wetgeving ingevoerd, de European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).
Wat is EUDR ?
Deze regelgeving is ontworpen om ontbossing tegen te gaan en duurzame productie te bevorderen door strikte eisen te stellen aan de herkomst van bepaalde producten. De EUDR vereist dat bedrijven die producten zoals rubber, runderen, soja, palmolie, cacao, koffie en hout importeren, kunnen aantonen dat deze producten niet bijdragen aan ontbossing. Dit betekent dat bedrijven gedetailleerde informatie moeten verstrekken over de herkomst van hun producten, inclusief geolocatiegegevens, om te bewijzen dat ze afkomstig zijn uit gebieden die na 31 december 2020 niet zijn ontbost.

Asia-Europe ocean trades a nightmare scenario – 'unless you're a carrier'
Forwarders are warning customers that demand on Asia-Europe ocean trades is beginning to look a lot like the pandemic peak.
“It’s shocking” said one UK forwarder. “The speed and pace of change is phenomenal, replicating the lead-up to the peak of the pandemic.”

Duroply and Lumin Duroply TRP: Innovative CARB2-Certified Panel Materials for Sustainable Projects
n a time where sustainability and health are top priorities, products like Duroply and Lumin Duroply TRP offer an excellent combination of quality and environmental consciousness.
As an importer of high-quality building materials, we are proud to offer these innovative CARB2-certified panel materials, meeting the strictest standards for indoor air quality and sustainability.

We nodigen je uit op het ‘Plywood Professionals’ event, gericht naar de dienstverlenende ondernemer
Klaar om je kennis over multiplexplaten naar een hoger niveau te tillen? We nodigen je uit voor een workshop waar we de technische details van multiplexplaten dieper uitlichten.
Dit evenement biedt een unieke gelegenheid om samen te komen met gelijkgestemde professionals uit de sector en te duiken in de technische details van multiplexplaten.

Altripan NV crosses 90% sustainable certified materials threshold
We are delighted to share a special milestone with you today. In the first quarter of 2024, Altripan NV crossed the historic 90% mark in terms of the share of sustainably certified materials.
This includes certifications such as those from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the FLEGT certificate. This achievement is a confirmation of our ongoing commitment to sustainability and dedication to environmental conservation.

Crackdown on Illegal Imports of Russian Wood Products through Kazakhstan and Türkiye
Woodstock Consortium applauds Commission Findings
The Woodstock Consortium welcomes that duties are to be imposed following the European Commission’s findings that existing import duties on Russian birch plywood are being circumvented - by being sent to the EU through Kazakhstan and Türkiye - released to all sides earlier today.

We are plywood
Altripan. The reference in premium plywood from origin to solution.
Altripan is unique in every way. For more than 50 years we have prioritised future-proof, circular construction with our bio-ecological plywood.

Onveiligheid Rode Zee en Suezkanaal zorgt voor onzekerheid aanvoer
Wij werden ingelicht door onze internationale logistieke partners over de onveilige situatie in één van de belangrijkste verbindende zeestraten tussen de Rode Zee en het Suez-kanaal. Deze kan ervoor zorgen dat de internationale logistieke keten wordt verstoord. Rebellengroepen in Jemen, die met het Palestijnse Hamas sympathiseren, viseren zeeschepen met raketten en drones. Steeds meer rederijen willen dit risico vermijden en laten de route via het Suez-kanaal links liggen. De alternatieve route via Kaap De Goede Hoop levert een extra vaartijd op van drie à vijf weken. Dit kan potentieel tot een situatie leiden vergelijkbaar met de zwaar verstoorde aanvoer van producten ten gevolge van het schip Ever Given dat in 2021 vast kwam te zitten in het Suez-kanaal.
Commission publishes formaldehyde regulation
Limit values for wood-based materials must be complied with as of August 2026
The European Commission adopted Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1464, which for the first time sets an independent limit value for formaldehyde emissions across Europe, on 14 July. The Regulation, which was published in the EU Official Journal on 17 July, amends Annex XVII of REACH Regulation (EC)...

EU Council approves EUDR
The Council of the European Union has adopted the text of the EU regulation on deforestation. The Parliament had already voted the text of the agreement. The next step will be the promulgation of the text, which will enter into force at that moment, and will be applicable 18 months later (24 months for SMEs).
After the European Parliament a few weeks ago, the Council of the European Union has adopted the text of the EU deforestation regulation (EUDR).
On May 10, the ambassadors had agreed to vote in the Council the text of the agreement reached in trilogue in December 2022, which was done this May 16 by the European ministers.

EU Commission Probes Suspected Anti-Dumping Violations
The European Commission has initiated an official investigation into the suspected evasion of EU anti-dumping regulations by Russian birch plywood producers and trading companies.
The investigation aims to determine whether imports from Kazakhstan and Türkiye to the EU are truly originating from these countries. Notably, neither of these two countries has been recognized as significant birch plywood producers in the past.

Altripan UK welcomes John Wood
Altripan UK Ltd are pleased to announce the appointment of John Wood to our UK sales team.
John has many years of experience in the trade and has been responsible for the sale of a range of panel products into the UK market "I am delighted with my new challenge at Altripan, I am joining an esta...

Bienvenue Didier Sorre!
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que Didier rejoint l'équipe Altripan!
Il sera responsable des ventes en France en cooperation avec Guillaume Jeunet. Nous sommes convaincus que ce tandem expérimenté renforcera encore notre service sur le marché français.
Bonne chance Didier!

Altripan welcomes Rano Tourdieva
With a proven track record as logistic employee and as true polyglot speaking fluent Russian, German, English, French and Dutch, Rano will strengthen the Altripan Logistics Department as of this week.
After an extensive training Rano will be responsible for planning of all transportation in Belgiu...
New sales manager for Germany
Altripan strengthens sales team in Germany
Altripan strengthens its sales team for Germany with Miss Nadja Faller. Nadja was previously involved in the sale of industrial packaging products.
After an intensive training, Nadja will visit our customers in Southern Germany. Nadja will work closely with our sales manager Leo Schüttler.